My Self Publishing Journey - Part 1

I didn't want to write a book.

It's all James Altucher's fault.

He wrote an article last spring about combining ancient texts with your area of expertise to write a book.

I had already written a post using one of Aesop's fables to explain the importance of networking. It seemed logical to write a book about networking using more fables.

I'm almost done with the shitty first draft. I’m testing titles and sharing it with people I know.

My focus is on the journey of self-publishing a book.

That's the project.

The book is the outcome, but the journey is what’s keeping me fulfilled these days.

I write and edit for at least 15 minutes each day.

I've tested book titles using Adwords.

Of course, the title I thought I was going to use isn't the one that got the most clicks.

That's ok.

The title people clicked actually works better, I think.

One of the problems with writing a book is the pressure of word count. Is the book long enough to be a "real" book?

I didn't want to write words for the sake of writing. I wanted to explain my approach to networking, specifically for introverts, using fables, research, and my own experience.

I want each chapter to contribute to the mindset introverts need to network and to the actionable steps they can take.

If I can do that in less than 20,000 words, great.

I know it means no publisher would ever look at my book.

That's ok with me.

It gives me a way to test out titles and cover art. It gives me a way to learn about the self-publishing process.

I'm going to screw a lot of this up.

I’m going to do things I shouldn't have done. I am going to omit steps that I'll look back on and be pissed about later.

I'm ok with that.

I'm ok with messing this up and sharing all my mistakes.

I'm ok if the book never sells a copy because I'll always have the experience.

I'm learning about titles and book covers and how to market and sell my creation.

All good things to learn no matter what I am creating.

How will this end?

I have no idea.

But I’m willing to share the journey with you along the way.

Want to go on an adventure with me?